Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cash Converters

Friday, 17 July 2009 @ 12.37pm

We'd just drove into the driveway when Eddie almost immediately scanned the garden looking for his bike.

"Motor I kat mana yang?"

To tease him, with a straight face I replied, "Tadi I suruh dia orang jual when we were at work."

Eddie, not missing a beat, played along. "Jual kat mana?"

"Cash Converters," I giggled.

Eddie, with a mock sad face said, "Sampai hati you yang, jual motor I kat Cash Converters."

Then he turned and saw that Sally (the bike) was parked exactly where he'd left it. Eddie tomel... ;p


imanA:) said...

im CUTER (:

anna r said...


ok lah ok lah...

you're cuer :p

imanA:) said...

weeheee !! aha !! i know kan . IROCKCUTENESS ! irockcuteness ? haiohh ! im cuter cuz me chubby[:

anna r said...

AHahAhAHahAhahhHAhA! apa la lu... yer la yer lah... cute cute. eh, since when did you have a blog? and where is this place that you're at in the photo?

imanA:) said...

tak ingat . subway tan :))

Ms Martha Moore said...

hehehe.... i pown cute gaks! hehehe...
