Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mrs H

Wednesday, 29 October 2008 @ 11.21am

In my almost two years working at Trix, I have had numerous meetings with Mrs H, the VP of Communications, and her subordinate, Ms I. They are one of our major clients, and one who has been with Trix for about ten or so years. So it's quite safe to say that they've been very happy with our service. Mrs H is very hands on with her work, be it newsletters, posters, buntings, or even a bookmark.

The very first time I met her was about a year and a half ago. I was a freshie out of uni and also a freshie at Trix. It was probably only my third or fourth time out of the office then. Ms I had specifically requested for me to come meet her upon Mrs H's request. When I first stepped into her office, she was sitting at her desk by the computer, busy typing away. She briefly looked up and said, "Oh hi Mr Loh" (obviously referring to my boss). She and Mr Loh have had a long relationship - they have been working together even before she joined this company.

When Mrs H first met me, she was friendly but a little cool, probably sussing me out. During that first meeting, I was sussing out her office. She had windows for her walls. And although the view was of houses and buildings, it's still a fresh relief than the cubicle that I was stuck in for nine hours of the day. She also had lots of pictures - of her and her husband, and of her children. There was one of her in the hospital, holding her newborn with her husband kissing her forehead. You could tell she was a well-to-do woman who was passionate about her job and loved her family.

It was only at our second meeting that I managed to impress her. It was also then that we started building a working relationship. But the only times that we would really communicate were during face-to-face meetings. When I was working on their newsletter/poster/bunting etc., I would only deal with Ms I. Mrs H was the VP after all. I have never been sure of what she thought about me. She's always been friendly and always wanted my opinion. But I would only ever see her during meetings. So it was hard to gauge what she really thought of me.

Earlier this morning, I received a call from Mrs H about the newsletter which is due to be printed by today so we could deliver by next week. Ms I was on leave for the rest of the week and it was the first time that I had to discuss the final comments of the newsletter over the phone with Mrs H. At the end of the conversation, she said, "Can I ask you something?" (I was a little nervous now).

"Sure," I said.

"Where are you going?" (she was referring to my new job)

"Mega Ads." I replied.

"What company is that?"

I explained. Her reply shocked and pleased me all at the same time.

"Ok. When you're there, can you present your company to me? Actually, wherever you go, can you keep in touch? I like working with you and I want to continue working with you."

After thanking her and saying that I would contact her next week once I've officially started my new job, two thoughts struck to me.

1. Wow. This woman actually likes me and I've actually done a good enough job for her to want me to keep in contact with her.

2. YES! I'll be bringing in new business for my new company on the FIRST DAY that I join (bonus, bonus, bonus) AND I have another client I can bring into Kostari (another 4 percent) *rubbing my hands deviously while laughing a satanic laugh*

Not only did I discover that I have been doing a good job during my time at Trix, but I've also discovered that my work ethics as well as my personality (a part of it anyway) was well worth it. Being called Boss No 3 has really paid off.

It's also quite safe to say that that conversation has made my day. Muaahahahahahaha ;D


Unknown said...

im glad that u feel better today....



i need ur signature as one of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS....


anna r said...

yes sir! when do you need it by?

Ms Martha Moore said...



what time are you free?

anna r said...

after work la. as usual... abang long will be with me today.