Thursday, October 9, 2008


Why oh why would anyone want to try on another person's underwear? Please explain to me. Because I cannot think of ANY rational reason of why a person would want to try on another person's underwear, take it off and PUT IT BACK IN THE DRAWER!

Let me set the scene for you: it's Thursday night. You've only had two hours sleep the night before. You've been working like a mad dog from 9am till about 7pm. You drive home in the rain and traffic. Reach home, eat, accidently fall asleep on the couch while baby-sitting your niece who's playing PS2. You're awoken by your phone that's ringing. Kakak asked me to do something or call someone or asking where someone was...I don't remember. That's when you notice it's almost 9pm. You go upstairs and take a nice long shower. You dry yourself off and open your underwear drawer (btw, I'm an organised neat freak. My underwear is folded and arranged according to style. There's normal cotton, then minis, then panties for period, and finally the lacy ones. Bras and g's are in another drawer). Imagine to my horror when I saw my lacy underwear sitting at the top of the lacy heap, obviously tried on and quickly stuffed back in my drawer. WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?

My reaction was to pick it up (at the very tip - God knows who wore it and what disease they might have?) and go straight to my sister's room. After a good five to ten minutes of discussion, we've concluded it can only be the maid. Eeeeeeeeeyeeeewww...

I haven't asked her yet. It's Friday and almost lunch time. Ala Carte has finally opened after a month closed due to it being bulan Ramadhan. I've already ordered my food. So I'm going to enjoy my lunch, finish off whatever work I have for the rest of the week, and head home for a confrontation.

Please God tell me it's not her. I bought that underwear in Melbourne and I don't wanna throw it away. Oh god...what if she tried my g's too? AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Anita Ramly said...

It is puzzling isn't it? I know of people who would try other people's shoes and clothes, but undergarments? That is so damn unhygienic. I suppose it would have to be the maid, who else would be so ignorant?

anna r said...

eeee yuck yuck yuck... who knows what else she's tried? maybe the kids stuff too? she obviously can fit into it!

Anita Ramly said...

ya, i would not be surprised. just as well i don't allow her to do my laundry or clean my room.

Ms Martha Moore said...



no way man!