Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What did you do this year?

Wednesday, 24 December 2008 @ 12.31pm


I got my bonus. To celebrate, I went out with Steph to a place called Michelangelo's in Pavilion. I met Eddie :)


I went on a holiday with my WHOLE family to Langkawi. I only started realising that I was falling for Eddie when I returned from the trip.


13 March - Eddie's birthday. We went to Secret Recipe at Ampang Point. This was also the first time I met his sisters.


12 April - Steph and Dad's birthday. We had a BBQ at Dad's place. I remember Steph picked me up after my work at Get Crafty and told me that her sister was at the party. I said, "what sister?" Her reply, "I know!" An extremely emotional night - long lost family members turning up. Dad was happy. So was Steph.


I was getting closer to Eddie. I was working more at Get Crafty - on both Saturday and Sunday. I was tired and grumpy and angry a lot of the time. So I quit Get Crafty.


The best 24th birthday I could ask for. The night before my birthday was my official last day at Get Crafty. I stayed till 10pm with Zaza making craft. When I reached home, there was a pile of gifts on my bed. The best of the bunch was a 'painting' that held 24 chinese spoons with a small plate in the middle, symbolising my age (duh). An awesome and thoughtful gift from Papa.

On my birthday, Eddie met my family. A few weeks after that, he took me back to Teluk Intan for his sister's engagement. A very eventful month indeed.


A tough time. A transition. A decision.

Eddie and I were in the midst of finding new jobs. I wanted a job that could pay me what I knew I was worth. Eddie wanted a job that he knew he was worth doing.

Days were spent looking through classifieds and applying. Sending out resumes and getting call backs.


I got my call back from Mega Ads. She offered me the job. I started this blog.

31 August - Merdeka. It was also the day I gave my resignation letter at Trix.

Eddie started working at Dome.


Bulan Ramadhan. This was when I realised that I would have no worries about my children learning about my religion. This was when I realised that I would have no worries asking or learning about my own religion. Because Eddie was there. He'd gone to an Islamic school and was instilled in him all that was needed to know about Islam.


Bulan Syawal = War, Love, Peace, Harmony.

This blog caused a stir. Arguments were carried out. I was forced into writing an apology on my blog. Did I do it? Hell no. Like I've said before, if everything that I write in my blog hurts your feelings, stop reading it.

Eddie brought me back to Teluk Intan. I learned tradition and humility. I learned forgiveness and togetherness.

I learned that nothing I could do or say would please certain people. So I decided to focus on my career. I decided to pull away and do whatever I could to succeed in life - at least at a place where you're not always a disappointment and not everything you do is wrong or a subject for an argument.

I became a Board of Director for Kostari. And I joined back Get Crafty.


I started work at Mega Ads. It was a major adjustment. I'd become an AE. A step down from what I was at Trix. But this is where I learnt that I did a hell of a good job at Trix. Clients were calling and SMS-ing me. Mr L wrote me a great recommendation letter. I'd discovered that I was valued there and created some sort of an impact.

Eddie and I went to Trolak for Baiti's wedding. Ayah wanted to meet Papa. I made no promises.

I experienced my first death when Dad passed away.

I decided that I want to marry Eddie. When? I dunno. We're saving money as I type this. A wedding, and a house, and babies and what not cost A LOT of money. (Donations of any kind are most welcome :))


So far, my busiest month of the year. Since day one, I hadn't had an off day till 26 December. And that's the day after tomorrow.

Eddie's sister got married and my position was finally established by all family members. I presented Kostari to prospective sponsors.

Eddie and I bought insurance. One more step towards financial stability - hopefully. Plus, as of January 2009, we'll be covered medically. Woohoo!


Looking back, it's been a good year. Things are finally falling into place. Work is getting stable (although I still hate what I'm doing full-time, I'm learning to adjust and accept that I am an AE). I've come to be known as the 'inevitable part-timer' at Get Crafty, which I love. And I'm doing something good with Kostari (we're trying to help orphans - what have you done to help others lately?)

I've also met someone who I believe complements me well. Who works well with me and who knows how to handle me. Who accepts me for who I am and is working all the time to reach our goal.

I've discovered I have amazing friends who I can depend on. Those who are there for the good and the bad, the sad and the painful, and the happy and the angry. Friends who will stay up till 3am and accompany you at your office on a Sunday night so you won't be alone. Friends who would rush from the other side of town just to give you a hug. Friends who are willing to meet you and give you whatever type of support they can just to show they care.

Yes, it's been a good year. Let's just hope that 2009 can offer us all this and more.


Ms Martha Moore said...

you made me cry!


LeSScAkAp said...

aaaawww it brought tears to my eyes...

or maybe something got into it
or was it due to my contact lenses...

